dzcb 0.3 sprint

It’s been a busy, busy last two weeks working on the dzcb 0.3.x sprint [changelog], and there are a lot of new, exciting features that should serve the amateur DMR community:

  • Apply ordering and filtering independently of the channel definitions
  • Apply regex name replacements independently of the channel definitions
  • Use a custom repeaterbook channel name based on values from the Repeaterbook database entry
  • Support dmrconfig textual output

and more!

The API has stabilized enough at this point that I’m ready to formally invite interested users to help me beta test and bug squash the tool before sending it out to a much wider audience.

If you’re interested in beta testing, please see BETA.

If you’re interested in how dzcb came to be, please see HISTORY.

Happy DMR’ing

Written on March 14, 2021


hi my name is juan carlos reynoso HI3-Jcc i just got a md-uv380 trying to go a bit more into radio but i dont unther stand much about it can you sen info to my email please and thank you for your time sorry about my inglish

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