2022-05-30 Weekly Ham Radio Activities

Maybe you’re looking for next week or last week’s newsletter?


Thanks to Matt KD7BBJ and Steve K7KO for taking care of the LCARA lawn this week!

To sign up for lawnmowing or other groundskeeping duties, please add your name to the large calendar pinned up near the clubhouse entrance. If you are unable to directly contribute, consider donating $$ for gas and equipment in the “Donations” can near the fridge at the clubhouse.

Upcoming Events 🗓

  • 06/01 Wed 1900 Cowlitz ACS Meeting
    • ZOOM Only, link sent to active members on Wednesday morning
  • 06/03 - 06/05 SEA PAC convention, Seaside, OR

Later This Month

There’s a lot going on this month! Mark your calendars.

  • 06/08 Wed 1900 LCARA Presentation Night (TBD, may cancel)
  • 06/11 Sat Century 100 Bike Race (N7EI)
  • 06/15 Wed 1900 LCARA Business Meeting
  • 06/18 Sat 0800 Tour de Blast Bike Race
  • 06/24 - 25 Sat & Sun Amateur Radio Field Day
  • 06/29 Wed 1800 5th Saturday Potluck TBD (details at Business Meeting)

Nets ✅

Thanks for reading.

If you have events or reports that should be included in this weekly newsletter, please send them to kf7hvm@0x26.net.