2023-04-09 Weekly Ham Radio Activities

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Recap 🔁

  • 04/05 Wed 19:00 Cowlitz ACS Meeting at LCARA Clubhouse

Upcoming Events 🗓

04/12 Wed 19:00 LCARA Presentation Night with Brian KJ7OX

  • “Antenna Modeling” using MMANA-GAL modeling software.
  • We’ll build a dipole in software to see and understand its pattern as well as a multi-band short doublet with DX performance in mind.

Next Week

  • 04/19 Wed 19:00 LCARA Business Meeting at LCARA Clubhouse

04/29 WSDOT Communication Exercise

Next 5th Saturday exercise is April 29. Cowlitz County ACS is currently planning where and how to participate in the exercise, which will involve scripted observations, message passing, and Winlink HF operations across EoCs in the state.

Nets ✅

Apr 2023 QST

Stu K7WF graciously provided this edition of QST Magazine which can be found at the front table of the clubhouse.

A notable submission to “Letters From Our Members” (pg 24) labeled “Suggesting a New Form of Public Service” discusses long-term memory association of sounds and goes on to suggest Morse Code as a scientific study aid for long/medium/short term memory and human memory buffering/association.

Having a hard time picking up the code? Check out “Morse Code Rhythm Patterns from A to Z” (pg 58) for a musical approach to learning Morse Code.

Thanks to Brian KJ7OX for providing these pointers.

Thanks for reading.

Kindly send any comments, corrections, events, pictures, stories, or content for this newsletter to kf7hvm@0x26.net.

Consider joining the LCARA W7DG Facebook Group.