2023-10-15 Weekly Ham Radio Activities

Maybe you’re looking for next week’s or last week’s newsletter?

Recap 🔁

  • 09/20 September LCARA Business Meeting [Minutes - UPDATED]
  • 10/11 LCARA Presentation Night with Brian KJ7OX “Radials, How Many” – Video Coming Soon

Upcoming Events 🗓

  • This Week Wed Oct 18 19:00 LCARA Business Meeting at LCARA Clubhouse
    • The club will be nominating all officer positions for the 2024-2026 term.
  • Sat Oct 21 All Day - Boy Scout Radio Training at LCARA Clubhouse.
    • The clubhouse will NOT be available for general use during this event. Contact Ralph N2RJR for more information.

Nets ✅

For Sale 🏷️

HF Tower and Beam Antenna

10-15-20-40 bands with custom hazer lift system. Hoping to get around $400 for it all.

HF Tower and Beam Antenna Hazer Detail

Contact Geramy K7RAP.

Thanks for reading.

Kindly send any comments, corrections, events, pictures, stories, or content for this newsletter to kf7hvm@0x26.net.

Consider joining the LCARA W7DG Facebook Group.