2022-04-17 Weekly Ham Radio Activities

Maybe you’re looking for next week or last week’s newsletter?

Recap πŸ”

  • 04/16 Sat 11:00 HF/UHF/VHF Operations and Training (3rd Saturday)
    • KC6FLG, KJ7OX, KB6HD
    • VHF packet / winlink workshop
      • Successfully sent and received P2P messages between Winlink Express (Windows) and pat (Linux)

Yikes – Snow Damage ❄️

Unexpected weather for April left many in the area without power and some with damaged antennas!

From Rick WA7RPM who drove out to bring Skip WB4DAD a generator and help clear his driveway.

From Butch AE7KJ, limb snagged his dipole

Please feel free to send pictures and news of interest to kf7hvm@0x26.net for inclusion in the newsletter!

Upcoming Events πŸ—“

Later This Month

  • 04/30 Sat 08:00 - 13:00 5th Saturday Comm Exercise
    • This will be a primarily digital / packet exercise. Stations will be expected to receive orders via APRS and submit reports via Winlink (or voice to net control, then Winlink).
    • Reply to be added to the participant list for more details by email.

Emergency Training

Cowlitz County Emergency Management (DEM) is offering 3 levels of intructor-led ICS courses at multiple times throughout the year. Contact Larry Hembree or Ernie Schnabler at Cowlitz County Emergency Management: 360.577.3130; hembreeL@co.cowlitz.wa.us or dem@co.cowlitz.wa.us

The next ICS Basic course is being offered April 20th from 0900 - 1700. Pre-registration is required!

After taking the class, enrollees must complete the online exam to earn their certification. Course material is also available online, with the exception of ICS-400 (Advanced) which is only offered as an instructor led course

Nets βœ…

FCC Licensing Changes βœ…

Thanks for reading.

If you have events or reports that should be included in this weekly newsletter, please send them to kf7hvm@0x26.net.